Targeted Regeneration
Comprehensive Approach
Minimally Invasive
Restore Your Joints with Advanced Stem Cell Therapy in Panama. Experience state-of-the-art orthopedic care with Dr. Ricardo Vega Croker. Our SCAJRS approach combines regenerative stem cell therapy with precise mechanical corrections to repair joints, ligaments, tendons, and nerves—reducing pain and preserving natural function.
Stem cells can be applied directly to damaged cartilage, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and osteochondral defects to enhance repair.
Combines stem cell therapy with mechanical corrections, including ligament repair, osteochondral defect correction, and ligament lengthening.
Shorter recovery times and lower risks compared to traditional joint surgeries.
Addresses both biological and mechanical causes of joint degeneration for sustainable outcomes.
Led by Dr. Ricardo Vega Croker, a specialist in regenerative orthopedic treatments.
Benefit from advanced medical facilities, visa assistance, and personalized care during your recovery in Panama.
Experience state-of-the-art orthopedic care with Dr. Ricardo Vega Croker. Our SCAJRS approach combines regenerative stem cell therapy with precise mechanical corrections to repair joints, ligaments, tendons, and nerves—reducing pain and preserving natural function.
Stem cells can be applied directly to damaged cartilage, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and osteochondral defects to enhance repair.
Combines stem cell therapy with mechanical corrections, including ligament repair, osteochondral defect correction, and ligament lengthening.
Shorter recovery times and lower risks compared to traditional joint surgeries.
Comprehensive medical assessment with Dr. Vega-Croker. Clear explanation of treatment options and personalized plans.
Support with travel arrangements, visa guidance, and recommended accommodations. Private transportation from the airport to the clinic.
Minimally invasive procedures at top-rated facilities. Personalized post-operative care and remote follow-ups.
Short quotes and video clips of patients describing pain relief and restored mobility. Before and after images or X-rays showing cartilage regeneration.
A regenerative approach combining stem cells and mechanical corrections for joint preservation.
Suitable for patients with osteoarthritis, cartilage defects, ligament injuries, and sports injuries.
Stem cells can be injected directly or applied during minimally invasive procedures to joints, tendons, ligaments, and nerves.
Typically shorter than traditional joint replacement, with most patients returning to daily activities in weeks.
Detailed safety protocols and personalized post-op care ensure a smooth experience for international patients.